Universal Email Signature
Raeanne Dimick
I'd love to have a place to be able to universally set an email signature for both the Communicator email settings and Email Templates.
Since I have some of the email templates set to go out in automations I need to make sure they have the same signature. And it would be nice to be able to update my signature if/when I need to universally in one place.
Geoff Mina
in progress
Geoff Mina
This feature is complete. The new {{Email.Signature}} token will pull from the signature configured in either the Custom Email or Communicator Email connection (depending on how the template is being used)
Hana Drdla
Geoff Mina Thanks!! I think in those 2 places the signature is added (custom email & communicator email) there should be a title above this field that says Email Signature as it's not clear that's what it's for
Geoff Mina
in progress
Ciaran Whelan (An Ounce of Light)
Geoff Mina thank you
Maineiac Mac Adams
Geoff Mina Where can this be found - I see a Folder System is enabled now - in the Templates -> Emails screen. but no 'Email Signature' seen, yet.
Geoff Mina
Maineiac Mac Adams: it was mark “in progress”. So nowhere. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Maineiac Mac Adams
Geoff Mina of course - went through all the notifications at once, got mixed up with what was marked as what.
Geeking out over here while cooking a feast - blinded by the steam and smells lol.
Looking forward to this feature, very much, and already taking use of the Folder system in Email Templates.
Keep up the awesome, hard work!
J Ojibwe
An email signature or a eSignature?
I would like both and ability to have multiple.
Automated emails should have either an email signature OR footer with contact and SM accts, also now UnSubscribe is mandatory for all commerce emails to stay out of spam folders and to retain email reputation.
I'd like 2 optional/selectable email signatures, a personal one from the Founder (Me with my personal email/phone info and a Service oriented Acct signature with alternate contact info for support (important).
As for contracts and eSignatures (Vector files?), I'd like the option of several stored, with the ability to use them in less formal emails to personalize.
Geoff Mina
Rebekah Heffington
YESS! This would be amazing as a token!
Ashland Web Solutions LLC
I agree, I would love this feature.
Digvijay Jhala