Keep Signed Agreements from Changing
Mariah Maglalang
Noticed that whenever we make changes to custom field mappings, it will change in any signed Agreements as well. From how other platforms handle signed documents/Moxie handles paid invoices, I would assume that any signed document should be frozen and unable to make edits to the fields or content unless it is returned to draft format. We want to ensure we are in compliance and not unintentionally altering signed documents as our Moxie instance evolves. Thank you!
Geoff Mina
This shouldn't be the case. The document is completely frozen once it's "Fully Executed" by the client. What specifically are you seeing change?
Mariah Maglalang
Geoff Mina It may be a glitch? It's been happening for a few months now. It is when we rename the Mapping Key for an Opportunity custom field
Geoff Mina
Mariah Maglalang: gotcha, so you are actually changing the workspace configuration by updating the Custom Field settings and it is causing the tokens to no longer appear in the agreement?
Mariah Maglalang
Geoff Mina Correct, changing the workspace settings > custom fields. Noticed this particularly with Opportunities custom fields being changed. Primarily concerned about this behavior for already signed agreements..