Homebase Includes Items by Start Date
Sunspired Creative
So, I just realized that items with a long duration are not showing up in my Homebase list. For instance, I have a task I need to start tomorrow, but it's not due for several weeks. That means this item doesn't show up in Homebase. Is it possible to include items that are due as well as items that are in scheduled within the allocated time frames, and perhaps items in progress that may not have a due date?
Peter Frandsen
Yes, the Focus dash board should really be configurable regarding projects, tasks and clients. The need is to see current tasks etc. Much more useful.
Right now it's of no use to me if I don't enter a deadline for tasks, which I mostly don't do, because I often dont have deadlines, but rather with projects in order as they come in...
Geoff Mina
Paul Burns
and on tasks, ability to filter by start date. (Start date = today or early) OR (Start date = NULL)
Tracy Trathen
Would definitely be nice to customize it. I plan for months at a time, and if only a week or two is in there, it doesn't help much.
Kathy Brenner
Agreed. I think this should be configurable. I work by Due date, not Start date.