Filter Clients based on custom field
Courtney V.
Would love a way to filter clients based on custom fields. For example, I use custom fields to identify clients on care plans and then another field with the different levels. Would like to be able to filter based on active care plans and then current level (these are radio fields). I think someone else mentioned a feature request for 'tags' and that could work too.
Geoff Mina
Geoff Mina
in progress
Geoff Mina
Merged in a post:
Allow Custom Fields for Pipeline Entries
Anne RB
One of my Custom Fields is "Lead Source" and I have created the exact categories of lead sources I want to capture. I would like to have the ability to use my custom field for each pipeline entry as opposed to the open text field in the lead info section.
Alternatively, I'd like to be able to define a drop-down list of categories for that "lead info" section. Eg. Paid Ads, Organic, Word-of-Mouth, Referral Partner, etc.
Geoff Mina
Merged in a post:
Client Tags for Filters
Celia Anderson |
For example, I would like to be able to tag my clients by their industry and then be able to filter to view all my construction industry clients. I've added a custom field for "Industry" but there is no way to filter by a custom field (or most of the default fields).
Kathy Brenner
I very much want to be able to Sort/Filter clients into Stage (Prospect, Pre-contract, Design, Implementation, Hold) and/or Month (which projects I'll be focused on in Jan/Feb/Mar) so I can plan workload.
Yes! Myself and many of my clients have a custom field for Referral Level - A, B. C. We want to be able to filter all of these into the respective "lists"