Separate out requests so they aren't included into inbox
Geoff Mina
This is complete and will be available in the update going out tomorrow. New tab in the "Inbox" specifically for tickets.
Amy Dudbridge
Geoff Mina: Loads better, thanks!
Geoff Mina
Merged in a post:
Have separate Requests tab in Communicator
Amy Dudbridge
Could the Requests feature have it's own tab on the Communicator, rather than sharing the Inbox? That way the Inbox could just be used for emails and it would be easy to see the requests.
Geoff Mina
Merged in a post:
Improvements to Request feature
Kayla Walters
Could we get more visibility of client requests? I'd love to be able to navigate directly to requests instead of having to filter them in my inbox. They are getting lost.
I'm a web designer and 50% of my business is dealing with client requests for tech help or site updates, so this is very important for my type of business!
I'd like to see:
- requests should appear under "work to be done" on the home tab. Even after assigning myself and a due date to a request, it doesn't appear under this section, but it's obviously work I need to complete ASAP!
- Add requests as a tab on the left sidebar for easy access.
- Add a requests tab in the client section. General emails are very different from "requests" in my type of business and need much more visibility.
- Ability to assign/map requests to projects and start timer as I work on a request.
Here's a video walkthrough if it's helpful to see visually :)
Thanks in advance!!