Saving project template with sub-tasks clones too many sub-tasks
Jeanette Fast Redmond
I love the ability to have full-featured sub-tasks under tasks. But I saved an annual contract project with tasks and sub-tasks as a template, and 8 tasks with 2 subtasks each saved as 8 tasks with 16 subtasks each (each subtask saved 8 times under each task). There's also no easy way to bulk delete the extras. Can someone look into this?
This is still happening for me.
I spent a while perfecting a Project Template by creating a fake project for a client, and adding tasks and sub-tasks with rank orders.
Then used the "save this project as a template" button.
When viewing the new template from the Project Templates screen AND if I try to use that template to create a new project, it loads all the sub-tasks multiple times.
What seems to be happening is that ALL of the subtasks within the entire project are loading under ALL of the tasks which originally had subtasks.
If a task did not originally have a sub-task, it does not load any subtasks when creating the template.
Not sure if it's important, but I remove all due dates from tasks & subtasks when creating the fake project. After saving the project as a template, the are where the "0 weeks after start" might appear is completely blank.
But I noticed that if you add a new task in the Template area, something always populates there even when selecting "0 days/weeks after start".
Kathy Brenner
This happened to me as well.