Variable names in proposal
Steven Hambleton
In Pandadoc, I can define a few variables that when I start a proposal, it asks me for the values of said variables.
In most of my proposals, the same variable pops up several times but I only have to input it once and its updated throughout the document.
This would go a long way towards consistency when creating proposals!
Geoff Mina
Hi Steven - We do have some variables / tokens available in our Proposal Templates. Do any of these satisfy the requirement you were looking for?
Steven Hambleton
Geoff Mina: Ah these are a good start but I'm looking for user definable ones. For me, I design and build emails in a variety of email platforms so one my defined variables is {{ClientESP}}. That way I can write in the value once and all references to it throughout the proposal display that email platform name.
Geoff Mina
Steven Hambleton: Gotcha - Just to make sure I'm understanding this correctly, you build the template and put in your custom tokens and then when you create a new Proposal from the template you get a prompt asking you to populate the variables used in that proposal template.
Steven Hambleton
Geoff Mina: You got it!