Smarter Expense Categorization
Marvin Diaz Jr.
There are a lot of expenses that I need to categorize manually each month, that have the same or nearly the same statement name and the same amount billed each month.
If we could add some auto-categorize rules or filters that would absolutely allow Hectic/Moxie to take a huge leap forward.
This could be implemented as auto-categorization or merely a "Suggested" category that we can go through and approve.
Geoff Mina
Merged in a post:
Importing expenses from bank accounts
Kathy Brenner
When importing expenses, the data doesn't import correctly.
1) Vendor isn't filled (it's put into Description field).
2) If it originally guesses the wrong Category, there is no way to retrain it to use the correct Category.
Sheila Franzen
Yes, this is so fundamental in any accounting system. The ability to auto categorize based on vendor names or amounts. Please, Please add this.
Geoff Mina
Merged in a post:
Expense Category Management
Todd Harper
Would love to be able to:
a) manage expense categories beyond simply scrolling to the bottom of the list to add a new one - being able to sort, change their names, remove them, etc. would all be greatly appreciated!
b) Exclude some categories from the P&L. For example, I do not consider my Owner's Draws as expenses. They are included in my profit. But the Moxie P&L treats them as an expense.
c) Add subcategories. I like my categories to match the ones found on IRS tax forms, but I like to have subcategories for specific types of purchases (mostly so that I can remember which category different types of expenses are supposed to go in - I can never remember whether staples are an "office expense" or "supplies"). Example: Main Category: Advertising - Subcategory: Social Media Ads
Megan Hightower Martins
Upvote this for sure!
Rachel Dew
This would be such a helpful and useful feature especially for repetitive/monthly transactions, Like the Moxie Expense! :)
Connor mooney
Yes! Need to have rules where once you assign a category it auto-categorizes it for all future transactions
Derrick G
A memorized transaction option like there is in QuickBooks would be great.
Jessica Madrigal
One million percent!